Latence (ラクテンス Rakutensu) is an Earth-supremacist group and the main antagonist in Macross VF-X2. Thanks to the financial backing of the Critical Path Corporation, they became major influence over the governmental agencies on Earth. While they were defeated on Earth by the VF-X Ravens, a surviving splinter group called Fasces would resurface in Macross The Ride.
Having learned from the near-destruction of humanity from Space War I and the recent Protodeviln War, calls for a new unified government that would quickly resolve conflicts between distant and planetary autonomous governments grew as many felt the current United Nations Government was not capable of serving their needs.
In A.D. 2050, due to the backing of the Critical Path Corporation, Latence had grown to become a major force that held sway within the United Nations Government. Furthermore, it monopolized information and military technology and hoped to achieve an Earth-centric rule of the galaxy, but concealed these facts through the sophisticated manipulation of information through media and the like. To the self-governing government and organizations that were opposed to this centralized rule, Latence conspirators dispatched several VF-X units, including the VF-X Ravens, declaring them rebels and terrorists. Response to the threats were so severe, that reactionary weaponry was used on more hard-lined colonies that desired independence. By 2051, their group was largely defeated after their plan to use a wide-area weapon jamming system was foiled.
In A.D. 2058, Fasces, a surviving splinter group of Latence, attempted to hijack the Seiten Cup or final "Vanquish" race of the season.[1]
- ↑ Macross The Ride