Macross Δ: Kuroki Tsubasa no Shiro Kishi (マクロスΔ 黒き翼の白騎士 Makurosu Deruta Kuroki Tsubasa no Shiro Kishi), also known as Macross Δ: The Black-Winged White Knight, is a two volume manga prequel of the Macross Δ television series, and was made by Shōji Kawamori and Azuki Fuji detailing the backstory of Keith Aero Windermere and his friendship with Roid Brehm during the war of secession with the New United Nations Government on Windermere IV.
In A.D. 2058, the Princess of the Windermere Kingdom has given birth to a son, Keith Aero Windermere who would later relinquish his throne. He enters the Windermere Kingdom Aerial Knights Academy, in hopes of becoming an elite pilot. What awaited the boy who simply love to fly is the harsh reality of life on Windermere IV. The story of the Aerial Knights and the prequel leading to the Macross Δ television series arrives in this long awaited volume!
- Keith Aero Windermere
- Kassim Eberhardt
- Heinz Nehrich Windermere
- Roid Brehm
- Bogue Con-Vaart
- Hermann Kroos
- Xao Jussila
- Theo Jussila
- Gramia Nerich Windermere
- Queen of Windermere
- Morris Halbert
- Master Shino
- Ernest Johnson
- Lord Aldoria
- Johan
- Wright Immelman
- Hayate Immelman
- Mikumo Guynemer
- Kaname Buccaneer
- Makina Nakajima
- Reina Prowler
- Freyja Wion