Macross 7th Chord (マクロス7thコード Makurosu Sebunsu Kōdo) is a manga first serialized in Macross Ace and later, Newtype Ace from 2009 to 2011, and released in a collected edition on August 9, 2012 by Kadokawa Shoten. It is set in 2053, seven years after the events of Macross 7, and follows two young women joining a special task force headed by Captain Maximilian Jenius. Unfortunately, the manga was cancelled and its final chapters were condensed into a single volume.
One notable thing about this manga was the appearance of the variable fighter, VF-9A Cutlass, which was first seen in the Dreamcast game, Macross M3.
In A.D. 2053, seven years after the conflict with the Protodeviln, Maximilian Jenius recruits a young girl named Mio Levinas, daughter of a former Death Metal artist now classical music lover, to join Project M.
Mio pilots a customized VF-9A Cutlass equipped with a special piano control system. With her is Lana, pilot of the Konig Orgel, a customized VB-6 König Monster with 13 speaker pod firing barrels. Gamlin Kizaki makes a return as their manager, hoping to train them to be part of the New Sound Force. Basara Nekki would later make a brief appearance as well.
Project M
Macross 7th Chord is a manga by Akiaki Kano, serialized on Macross Ace from 2009 to 2011. After Macross Ace's announced it would be ceasing publication, it was transfered to Newtype Ace, however, would see its story to completion. Unfortunately, the manga was never completed, and the planned third and fourth chapters were quickly summarized into a single volume.
The collected edition of the manga was originally scheduled for release on September 26, 2011, but was postponed multiple times before it was finally released on August 2012. It was speculated that the delay was to coincide with the 30th anniversary of Macross in 2012, and the release of the film Macross FB7 Galaxy Flow Soul: Listen to My Song! and the release of Macros 7 BD-BOX.[1]