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The VF-31B Kairos is a variable fighter featured in the Macross Δ television series. It was considered the mass production version of the VF-31A Kairos. It was used by Chaos' Beta Flight, however details regarding its technical specifications and service life are unknown.

Macross Δ & Macross E Mechanics
Chaos / New United Nations Spacy
Variable Fighter
VF-1EX Valkyrie | VB-6 König Monster | VF-19 Wind Valkyrie | VF-22 Sturmvogel II | VF-31A Kairos | VF-31A Armored Kairos | VF-31 Armored Siegfried | VF-31AX Kairos Plus | VF-31AX Armored Kairos Plus | VF-31B Kairos | VF-31C Siegfried | VF-31E Siegfried | VF-31F Siegfried | VF-31J Siegfried | VF-31S Siegfried | VF-171 Nightmare Plus | VF-171EX Nightmare Plus | YF-29 Durandal
Vehicles, Destroids and Support Units
Super Ghost
Destroid Cheyenne II | Glaug | Queadluun-Rhea | ZBP-104 Regult
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Macross Elysion | Macross Extra | Macross Gigasion |Macross Grasion | Macross Megasion | Guantanamo-class | Megaroad-class | Northampton-class | Stealth Cruiser | Thuverl-Salan-class | Uraga-class
Aerial Knights
Variable Fighter
Sv-154 Svärd | Sv-262Hs Draken III | Sv-262Ba Draken III
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Sigur Valens
Variable Fighter
Sv-303 Vivasvat
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Battle Astrea