The YF-24 Evolution is a prototype variable fighter produced by both Shinsei Industries and General Galaxy, and was the precursor to the VF-25 Messiah, a mainstay fighter featured in the Macross Frontier television series. It introduced numerous advancements such as Linear Actuators, Inertia Store Converter and the EX-Gear.
Shinsei Industries sent the design data of the YF-24 Evolution to each fleet within New United Nations Spacy, which was used by the other branches of Shinsei Industries, the Macross Frontier Fleet and LAI Corporation to develop the YF-25 Prophecy and the VF-25 Messiah; while Macross Galaxy's Guld Works used it to secretly develop the prototype YF-27-5 Shaher Femail and later, the VF-27γ Lucifer.
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